AI, algorithmic and automation legal transparency requirements 

Crowdsourced repository of current and proposed laws mandating the transparency of AI and algorithmic systems for students, researchers, NGOs, and policy makers.


Transparency is often cited as a core principle of ethical AI, responsible AI, and trustworthy AI, and is included in the large  number of published principles, frameworks, and codes.  

These tools can provide a decent starting point for organisations to consider deeper questions concerning the governance, transparency, and accountability of AI systems.

However, in practice, 'transparency' is typically practised in a partial, piecemeal, and reactive manner. There are many reasons for this, including the legitimate need to protect IP, stymie manipulation and gaming of the system, and minimise legal liability.

Yet opacity provides convenient cover for any organisation not wanting to state publicly it doesn’t understand how its system works, to say one thing and do another, or to market it misleadingly or inaccurately.

The opacity of AI, algorithmic, and automation systems erodes confidence and trust. Given the importance of these technologies to government, economies, and societies across the world, policymakers have started to mandate the transparency of AI and algorithmic systems.


The AIAAIC Legal Transparency Requirements Repository is intended to help students, researchers, NGOs, policymakers, and others understand the actual and potential legal landscape across the world.

The resource is intended to help answer questions such as:


Comprising a basic synthesis of known laws directly and indirectly governing AI and algorithmic transparency, the repository draws initially on a scan of the AIAAIC Repository for incidents and controversies involving litigation. 

This is followed by a scan of the internet and social media, including specialist legal databases, using relevant keywords and phrases.

Legal students and others are encouraged to help expand the repository to cover more jurisdictions and enable deeper analysis of different legal approaches to AI and algorithmic transparency. 

Terms of use

Anyone is welcome to use, copy, contribute to, share and adapt the AI, Algorithmic and Automation Legal Transparency Requirements Repository in line with its CC BY-SA 4.0 license. More

Further information

Contact AIAAIC