Hour One AI 'character' clones

Occurred: August 2021

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An Israeli company marketing an AI system that enables anyone to create a full digital clone of themselves speaking on camera in any language was criticised for providing inadequate usage and protection controls.

Tel Aviv-based 'video transformation company' Hour One pays people to deepfake their face so that their 'characters' can be used in promotional, commercial, and educational videos. The company says it has a library of around 100 characters.

Critics point out that Hour One's ethics policy provides little information or guidance about how personal clones should - or should not be - used by its various customers. And it says little about how it will protect people's privacy.

Operator: Hour One
Developer: Hour One
Country: Israel
Sector: Business/professional services
Purpose: Market products/services
Technology: Computer vision
Issue: Privacy; Security; Dual/multi-use
Transparency: Governance; Marketing

Page info
Type: Incident
Published: August 2021
Last updated: October 2023