Apple Cycle Tracking fertility predictions

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Apple's fertility tracking feature uses sensors to measure the fluctuations in body temperature which correlate with a person's ovulation cycle to help users know if and when they're ovulating.Β 

Introduced in September 2022, the feature builds on Apple's existing Health app and Cycle Tracking app, and comes as part of Apple Watch Series 8 and Apple's watchOS 9 and iOS 16 operating systems.

Apple launched its native machine learning-based Cycle Tracking app with iOS 13 and WatchOS6 in September 2019.

System info πŸ”’

Operator: Apple
Developer: Apple
Country: USA
Sector: Health
Purpose: Predict ovulation
Technology: Prediction algorithm
Issue: Privacy
Transparency: Marketing

Risks and harms πŸ›‘

Apple Cycle Tracking fertility predictions system has been associated with potential privacy concern and the possibility of the technology being misconstrued as a form of birth control, potentially leading to unwanted pregnancies.

Incidents and issues πŸ”₯