Unity GovTech AI military opacity

Occurred: August 2021

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VICE reports that game development tool company Unity's GovTech unit is secretly working for the US Department of Defense. The work is causing unease amongst some of the gaming firm's employees, who are complaining of poor internal transparency. 

Unity responded to VICE by saying the work does not 'knowingly violate our principles or values', including that its work 'does not directly involve the loss of life, harm of the planet, or a person’s right to equity and inclusion.'

Unity's stated AI principles include the need for honesty, clarity, and transparency.

Operator: US Department of Defense
Developer: Unity
Country: USA
Sector: Media/entertainment/sports/arts
Purpose: Develop military products
Technology: Unclear
Issue: Lethal autonomous weapons; Ethics; Hypocrisy
Transparency: Governance; Marketing