Faception facial personality profiling

Founded in 2014, Faception is a Tel Aviv-based company that uses computer vision and machine learning to analyse facial images and make real-time predictions about an individual's personality, behaviour, and character traits

The technology has been touted as a revolutionary tool for applications including security, marketing, and human resources.

System info 🔢

Operator: Faception
Developer: Faception
Country: Israel
Sector: Business/professional services; Banking/financial services; Govt - police
Purpose: Identify personality type; Predict behaviour
Technology: Computer vision; Behavioural analysis; Emotion recognition; Facial recognition; Personality analysis; Machine learning
Issue: Accuracy/reliability; Bias/discrimination - race, ethnicity, gender; Ethics
Transparency: Governance; Black box

Risks and harms 🛑

Faception has been criticised for potential inaccuracies, biases, and ethical concerns, as it claims to predict complex personality traits and behaviours such as identifying terrorists or paedophiles, potentially leading to false positives and unjust profiling.

The company's technology is based on Western cultural and social norms, which may not be applicable in other cultural contexts, and it has not demonstrated an understanding of the potential cultural and social implications of its technology, potentially leading to misinterpretation or misapplication of the results.

Faception's claims about the accuracy of its technology are based on largely unproven scientific theories about the relationship between facial features and personality traits. The scientific community has raised concerns about the validity of these theories and there is limited research to support the idea that facial features can be used to accurately predict personality or behaviour.

Transparency and accountability 🙈

Faception is seen to suffer from several important transparency and accountability issues: 

Page info
Type: System
Published: March 2023
Last updated: August 2024