Gladsaxe vulnerable children detection
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Gladsaxe was a predictive analytics system used by Denmark's Gladsaxe municipality to identify and assess children at risk from abuse.
Released in 2018, the so-called "Gladsaxe Mode" or "EVA" (Early Vulnerability Assessment) consisted of custom algorithms drawing on parental health records, unemployment, missed medical and dental appointments and other data provided locally and by Denmark's Udbetaling Danmark benefits agency to produce a points-based risk assessment.
Mental illness counted for 3000 points, unemployment 500 points, missing a doctor’s appointment 1000 points and a dentist’s appointment 300 points.
System 🤖
Gladsaxe Model algorithm
System info 🔢
Operator: Gladsaxe Municipality
Developer: Gladsaxe Municipality; Udbetaling Danmark
Country: Denmark
Sector: Govt - municipal
Purpose: Detect vulnerable children