Babylon Health Sympton Checker diagnostic chatbot

Babylon Health's Diagnostic and Triage System (aka 'Sympton Checker') is a chatbot that uses artificial intelligence to ask users questions about their condition in order to identify what is wrong with them and prioritise treatment.

The system was designed to provide users with advice alongside an explanation of why this action has been suggested. 

Babylon Health researchers claimed the system was capable of matching expert clinician decisions in 85 percent of cases.

Operator: Babylon Health
Developer: Babylon Health

Country: UK; USA; Rwanda

Sector: Health

Purpose: Provide health information

Technology: Chatbot; NLP/text analysis; Deep learning; Neural network; Machine learning
Issue: Accuracy/reliability; Bias/discrimination - gender; Safety

Transparency: Governance; Complaints/appeals; Legal; Marketing

Risks and harms 🛑

Babylon's sympton checker has drawn criticism for its perceived poor quality and safety, including alleged errors in diagnosing conditions such as heart attacks, for its opaque governance and misleading marketing claims, and for the manner in which the company responded to the feedback angled at it.

Incidents and issues 🔥

Transparency and accountability 🙈

Babylon Health's corporate and product governance were singled out for being inadequate and opaque, and its marketing as misleading. 

It was accused by NHS consultants of rushing to market without adequate proof that its Sympton Checker worked, notably by testing it on real patients, and having failed to conduct any peer-reviewed, randomised control studies before launch. 

Forbes reported in 2018 that 'Interviews with current and former Babylon staff and outside doctors reveal broad concerns that the company has rushed to deploy software that has not been carefully vetted, then exaggerated its effectiveness.'

In February 2020, the company dismissed (pdf) Dr Watkins as a 'troll' and claimed he had 'targeted members of our staff, partners, clients, regulators and journalists and tweeted defamatory content about us.'

Legal, regulatory 👩🏼‍⚖️

Investigations, assessments, audits 🧐

Page info
Type: System
Published: July 2023
Last updated: May 2024