Foodinho fined for breaching privacy and labour laws in Italy

Occurred: July 2021

Food delivery company Foodinho was fined EUR 2.6m (USD 3m) for breaching privacy and labour laws in Italy, and ordered to update its management algorithms to avoid discrimination.

Italian privacy watchdog Garante said that the Glovo-owned gig worker management company had tracked its workers' locations out of office hours, and had shared it, along with other personal data, with undisclosed third parties not mentioned in the app’s documentation.

It also ruled that Foodinho had not adequately explained its automated order management system properly to its workers, and had failed to ensure that the results of automatic processes to evaluate the workers' performance were correct.

In addition, the regulator said that Foodinho had failed to provide workers with ways to challenge decisions made using its management algorithm, including the exclusion of some riders from taking orders, and raised concerns about potential discrimination arising from it. 

Foodinho was ordered to make a raft of changes to its privacy practices and to amend how its management algorithms work.

Operator: Glovo/Foodinho
Developer: Glovo/Foodinho
Country: Italy
Sector: Transport/logistics
Purpose: Manage workers
Technology: Automated management system
Issue: Accuracy/reliability; Bias/discrimination; Privacy; Security
Transparency: Governance; Black box

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Page info
Type: Incident
Published: January 2022
Last updated: December 2023