Trento council fined for AI surveillance projects 

Occurred: January 2024

The Municipality of Trento, Italy, was fined for 'multiple violations' of EU data protection law in its use of AI in street surveillance projects.

The country's Garante (DPGP) privacy watchdog ruled that said the data collected for the EU-funded Marvel and Protection projects was insufficiently  anonymous, thereby putting citizens' privacy at risk, and that it had been incorrectly shared with third parties. 

The municipality was fined EUR 50,000 (USD 54,225) and instructed to delete all data gathered. It said it would appeal the decision.

Trente was the first local administration in Italy to be sanctioned over the use of data from AI tools. 

Operator: Municipality of Trento
Developer: Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH); Saher Europe
Country: Italy
Sector: Govt - municipal; Govt - police
Purpose: Increase public safety
Technology: Anomaly detection; Computer vision; Facial recognition; Object detection
Issue: Privacy; Security

Page info
Type: Incident
Published: March 2024