plagiarises other websites using AI

Occurred: November-December 2023

Financial news site has been caught plagiarising 'wholesale' articles by other financial news sites, calling into question its integrity and highlighting the ease with which AI can be misused.

Owned by Joffre Capital, has increasingly been relying on AI to create its stories as part of an attempt to become the 'Bloomberg of retail investing'. But its AI-generated articles 'often appear to be thinly-veiled copies of human-written stories written elsewhere,' Semafor observed.

In one instance, published an article about a rise in a crypto token price that used comparable vernacular and identical statistics to one that had been posted less than an hour and a half before on the CryptoNewsLand blog. disclosed that its stories were written with the help of AI and reviewed by an editor. But it failed to note or credit anyone except itself. 

Operator: Joffre Capital/
Country: Israel; USA  
Sector: Media/entertainment/sports/arts
Purpose: Generate news stories
Issue: Cheating/plagiarism; Copyright; Ethics
Transparency: Marketing 

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