Userviz video game cheating system is shut down

Occurred: July 2021

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An unknown, frustrated gamer is publicly touting Userviz, an AI and deep learning system that they developed to aim automatically at an enemy while gaming. 

Using machine learning, the system feeds gameplay video from a console via network streaming or capture card and feeds it into a nearby computer, which displays information the cheater can use. It is supposedly able to cheat any game on any platform or device and is 'undetectable'.

UserViz was later shut down after a legal threat from game publisher Activision, whose Call of Duty: Warzone game was being used to market the system.

Online gaming is big business and is subject to widespread cheating and fraud. 

Operator: Userviz; Activision
Developer: Anonymous/pseudonymous  
Country: USA; Global
Sector: Media/entertainment/sports/arts
Purpose: Cheat video games
Technology: Machine learning; Computer vision
Issue: Ethics
Transparency: Governance