Sports Illustrated publishes articles by AI-generated writers

Occurred: November 2023

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Sports Illustrated published content from non-existent writers with AI-generated headshots, raising questions about the publication's editorial integrity and damaging its reputation.

A Futurism investigation found Sports Illustrated published articles written by fake authors whose headshots and biographies were generated by artificial intelligence. In one instance, an article about volleyball was supposedly written by 'Drew Ortiz'. However, it transpired that Ortiz only exists as an AI-generated headshot for sale on Generated Headshots, where he is described as 'neutral white young-adult male with short brown hair and blue eyes.'

According to The Arena Group, which acquired Sports Illustrated in 2019, the relevant articles in were produced by advertising company AdVon Commerce and that 'AdVon had writers use a pen or pseudo name in certain articles to protect author privacy.'


Operator: The Arena Group/Sports Illustrated
Developer: AdVon Commerce; Generated Photos
Country: USA
Sector: Media/entertainment/sports/arts
Purpose: Publish news articles
Issue: Employment
Transparency: Governance

Page info
Type: Incident
Published: November 2023