People of Tinder dataset

People of Tinder is a dataset created in 2016 by software engineer Stuart Colianni that was intended 'to build a better, larger facial dataset' capable of distinguishing between male and female images.

Dataset 🤖

Dataset databank 🔢

Developer: Stuart Colianni

Country: USA

Sector: Technology

Purpose: Train neural networks

Technology: Dataset; Facial recognition; Computer vision; Neural network
Issue: Privacy

Transparency: Privacy

Risks and harms 🛑

People of Tinder consisted of 40,000 images of people's faces - half women, half men - from the San Francisco area scraped from dating app Tinder without their knowledge or consent.

The dataset was uploaded to Google-owned AI online community Kaggle and the TinderFaceScraper model published on Github. Both were removed after Tinder accused Mr Colianni of violating its terms of service and people started complaining that their selfies were being used without their permission.

The dataset was downloaded hundreds of times before it was taken down.