AI unmasking of anonymous chess players raises privacy concerns

Occurred: January 2022

An AI system developed by a team of Harvard University researchers can identify and track people playing chess anonymously, resulting in concerns about its potential to abuse the privacy of chess players and others. 

According to a study of the system, it was originally built to identify different types of chess playing behaviour, and to tag chess players based on their behavioural patterns, in order to help develop more human gaming experiences.

However, the system could also be used to help identify and track people who believe they are anonymously playing chess and, potentially, other games, persuading organisers of the NeurIPS conference that the authors of the study elaborate on the privacy risks.  

System 🤖

Developer: Harvard University
Country: USA
Sector: Media/entertainment/sports/arts
Purpose: Identify chess player behaviour
Technology: Deep learning; Neural network; Machine learning
Issue: Ethics; Privacy

Research, advocacy 🧮

Page info
Type: Issue
Published: September 2023