AI, algorithmic, and automation perception research
Attitudes towards, perceptions of, and trust in artificial intelligence, algorithms, and automation vary significantly across different cultures and industries and by the type, purpose, and impact of the technology.
Here is a selection of recent primary and secondary research studies on attitudes towards, perceptions of, and trust in AI, algorithms and automation amongst the general public, consumers, patients, politicians, business and other stakeholders.
Pew Research and YouGov provide regular tracking and polling of attitudes towards AI and algorithims in the USA and UK.
Edelman. 2024 Trust Barometer (pdf)
Ada Lovelace Institute/Alan Turing Institute. How do people feel about AI?
AI Impacts. 2022 Expert Survey on Progress in AI
Bentley/Gallup. Three in Four Americans Believe AI Will Reduce Jobs
Centre for Data Ethics & Innovation/Thinks Insights & Strategy. Public perceptions towards the use of foundation models in the public sector
Center for the Governance of AI. Preliminary survey results: US and European publics overwhelmingly and increasingly agree that AI needs to be managed carefully
CNBC. Large majority of Americans have strong reservations about A.I. emergence
Gartner. Consumers expect generative AI (genAI) to have a negative impact on society
KPMG US. Executive generative AI adoption
KPMG/University of Queensland. Trust in Artificial Intelligence 2023 (pdf)
Pew Research. Trust in Companies that use AI
Pew Research. Public Awareness of Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Activities
Pew Research. AI in Hiring and Evaluating Workers: What Americans Think
Pew Research. 60% of Americans Would Be Uncomfortable With Provider Relying on AI in Their Own Health Care
Reuters/IPSOS. Reuters/Ipsos Issues Survey May 2023
YouGov. Britons think artificial intelligence will cost jobs… but not their own
Simplr. 2022 Consumer Study on Chatbots
Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation/Savanta ComRes. Public Attitudes to Data and AI Tracker Survey (pdf)
Pew Research. AI and Human Enhancement
Tony Blair Institute. How Big is the Tech Trust Gap?
University of Tokyo. Measuring Trust in AI
World Economic Forum/IPSOS. Global AI Poll