Airbnb user trustworthiness scoring

Airbnb’s user trustworthiness scoring is a system that uses an algorithm to assess the trustworthiness of users. 

The system collects and feeds users’ personal data into an algorithm, including information from their social media accounts, profession, education level, and any other online data that can be found in order to assess their personality traits, such as narcissism or conscientiousness. 

It also collects information about behavioural traits, such as use of drugs or alcohol or involvement in civil litigation and other behaviour, and combines them to create a holistic score that judges a person's trustworthiness.

Operator: Airbnb
Developer: Airbnb/Trooly
Country: Australia; New Zealand; USA
Sector: Travel/hospitality
Purpose: Assess trustworthiness
Technology: Behavioural analysis; Personality analysis; Ranking algorithm
Issue: Accuracy/reliability; Bias/discrimination - profession/job; Fairness
Transparency: Governance; Black box; Complaints/appeals

Risks and harms 🛑

Airbnb’s user trustworthiness scoring has been criticised for being unfair, manipulativviolating privacy, and for poor transparency and accountability

Transparency and accountability 🔥

Airbnb's user trustworthiness scoring is seen to suffer from a number of important transparency and accountability limitations.

Incidents and issues 🔥

Page info
Type: System
Published: March 2022
Last updated: May 2024