Westfield High School non-consensual nude deepfakes

Occurred: October 2023

Girls at Westfield High School in New Jersey, USA, were subjected to fake nude images of them being shared among other students, sparking uproar and prompting a police investigation.

Male classmates reputedly used girls' photos found online to concoct and circulate AI-generated pornographic images of female students as young as 14 years old in group chats. One victim told the Wall Street Journal, 'We're aware that there are creepy guys out there but you'd never think one of your classmates would violate you like this.'  

It had taken four days before the school found out that the boys had been using the Clothoff AI tool to create and share fake the nude images, though school officials said they 'believed' the images had since been deleted and were no longer in circulation.

The Wall Street Journal reported that families of four of the victims had filed police reports, and a New Jersey senator had asked county prosecutors to investigate.

Operator: Westfield High School students
Developer: Alaiksandr Babichau, Alexander German, Dasha Babicheva, Yevhen Bondarenko
Country: USA
Sector: Education
Purpose: Entertain
Technology: Deepfake - image; Generative adversarial network (GAN); Neural network; Deep learning; Machine learning
Issue: Ethics/values; Safety; Privacy
Transparency: Governance; Marketing

Page info
Type: Incident
Published: November 2023
Last updated: February 2023