Prosecraft fiction analytics database

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Prosecraft is a so-called 'linguistic database of literary prose' built on the texts of over 25,000 novels by thousands of different authors.

Benji Smith, who is behind Prosecraft and its sister company Shaxpir, used the content of books by Stephen King, Nora Roberts, Neil Gaiman, Angie Thomas, Terry Pratchett, John le CarrΓ©, and others, to build a database of novels that could be used to analyse their world count, story arc, and 'vividness', amongst other criteria.

Dataset πŸ€–

Documents πŸ“ƒ

Dataset info πŸ”’

Operator: Benji Smith/Shaxpir
Developer: Benji Smith/Shaxpir
Country: USA; Australia
Sector: Media/entertainment/sports/arts
Purpose: Analyse literature
Technology: Database/dataset
Issue: Copyright; Ethics/values
Transparency: Governance; Marketing

Risks and harms πŸ›‘

The Prosecraft fiction analytics database raised copyright concerns and potentially compromised authors' creative rights by analysing and categorising published works without explicit permission, potentially leading to the unintended exposure of writing styles and techniques.Β 

Transparency and accountability πŸ™ˆ

The Prosecraft fiction analytics database is seen to suffer from several significant transparency limitations.

Incidents and issues πŸ”₯

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