Mohammed Khadeer facial recognition wrongful arrest, death

Occurred: February 2023

Labourer Mohammed Khadeer, 35, was misidentified using facial recognition technology, illegally held and tortured by Medak police in Telangana state, India, for five days in connection with a chain-snatching case. 

Khadeer had been picked up by police from Yakutpura in Hyderabad late January, apparently because his facial features matched with that of the culprit in the chain-snatching case. He later died of his wounds.

The incident sparked outrage amongst local politicians, human and civil rights activists, and the general public. Four police officers were later suspended from the Medak police, pending an investigation.

Medak police had initially told the Times of India that they had questioned Khadeer and let him go.

Incident databank  🔢

Operator: Medak District Police; Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS)
Country: India
Sector:  Govt - police
Purpose: Identify criminals
Technology: CCTV; Facial recognition
Issue: Accuracy/reliability
Transparency: Governance; Black box