Amazon Alexa plays child pornography

Occurred: December 2016

A child who had asked Amazon's Alexa voice software to 'Play Digger Digger', one of his favourite songs, was met with crude and pornographic language, to the horror of his parents.

Instead of Alexa playing the child's request, Alexa started saying 'You want to hear a station for ‘Porn detected….Porno ringtone hot chick amateur girl calling sexy,' followed by a string of crude and dirty words. 

Amazon later said that they had fixed the issue and were working towards building additional restrictions to prevent this kind of incident from happening in the future.

Developer: Amazon 

Country: USA

Sector: Consumer goods

Purpose: Provide information, services

Technology: NLP/text analysis; Natural language understanding (NLU); Speech recognition
Issue: Accuracy/reliability; Safety

Transparency: Governance

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