Michael Williams gunshot detection wrongful arrest

Occurred: May 2020-

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A Chicago retiree was wongly arrested and jailed for nearly a year after Chicago Police Department (CPD) officers accused him of shooting and killing a neighbour sitting next door to him in his car on the basis of an 'unreliable' ShotSpotter gunshot detection alert.

Prosecutors cited ShotSpotter sensors to bolster 63-year-old Michael Williams' case. But, according to a motion (pdf) filed by Williams' attorney, the company’s algorithms had initially classified the sound as a firework and the location co-ordinates had been altered

The admission persuaded the prosecutors to withdraw ShotSpotter evidence against Williams and the judge to dismiss the charges.

The incident raised questions about the accuracy and reliability of ShotSpotter, and prompted concerns about the extent to which SoundThinking may have been altering data to suit its customers.  

Citing Williams' case, a July 2021 VICE News report suggested SoundThinking analysts 'frequently modify alerts at the request of police departments' - a conclusion also reached by the AP. VICE and AP's accounts were strongly contested by SoundThinking.

In July 2022, the MacArthur Justice Center filed a class-action lawsuit (pdf) on behalf of Williams and two other claimants for mental anguish, loss of income, and legal bills. The suit also sought a court order barring the technology’s use in Chicago.

Operator: Chicago Police Department
Developer: SoundThinking/ShotSpotter
Country: USA
Sector: Govt - police
Purpose: Detect gunfire
Technology: Gunshot detection system; Deep learning
Issue: Accuracy/reliability; Oversight/review
Transparency: Governance; Black box; Marketing


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Type: Incident
Published: May 2023
Last updated: February 2024