Oxford Town Centre dataset

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Oxford Town Centre is a dataset created by researchers at Oxford University for the research and development of pedestrian activity and facial recognition systems.Β 

The data was collected in 2009 from a public safety CCTV camera in the middle of Oxford and captured the movements of approximately 2,000 people.

The dataset proved popular, having been used in over 60 verified research projects including commercial research by Amazon, Disney, OSRAM, and Huawei; and academic research in China, Israel, Russia, Singapore, the US, and Germany among dozens more.Β 

It has been downloaded over 700 times on Kaggle.

Dataset info πŸ”’

Operator: Amazon; Disney; OSRAM; Huawei
Developer: University of Oxford
Country: UK
Sector: Govt - municipal; Research/academia; Technology
Purpose: Improve pedestrian detection
Technology: Database/dataset; Computer vision; Facial recognition; Pattern recognition
Issue: Dual/multi-use; Ethics/values; Privacy; Surveillance
Transparency: Governance; Marketing; Privacy

Risks and harms πŸ›‘

The Oxford Town Centre dataset raises privacy concerns due to its collection of video footage of pedestrians in public spaces without consent, potentially enabling the tracking and analysis of individuals' movements and behaviours without their knowledge or permission.Β 

Transparency and accountability πŸ™ˆ

The Oxford Town Centre dataset has several transparency limitations: