AIAAIC (AI, Algorithmic, and Automation Incidents and Controversies) is an independent, non-partisan, grassroots public interest initiative that examines and makes the case for real AI, algorithmic, and automation transparency and openness.

Who we are 

AIAAIC comprises individuals across the world passionate about advancing the cause of the transparency, openness and accountability of AI, algorithmic, and automation systems. 

What we do 

AIAAIC is looking to make AI, algorithms, and automation more transparent, open and accountable by:

What we believe

AIAAIC believes that everyone should know when they are using or being assessed, instructed, nudged, manipulated or coerced by an AI, algorithmic, or automation system, understand what the system is trying to achieve and how it works, appreciate its impact, and be able to make informed decisions based on accessible, clear, concise, accurate, and timely information.

AIAAIC's mission is to make AI, algorithms, and automation transparent, open and accountable.

Manifesto for real AI transparency and openness

Read AIAAIC's manifesto to understand why real AI, algorithmic and automation transparency and openness is needed, and what it should look like.

Our values

What we expect of ourselves, our partners and our suppliers.

How we are funded

AIAAIC is funded by donations provided by individuals across the world. 

A public interest initiative, AIAAIC is wholly committed to being independent, and technologically and politically non-partisan. 

Accordingly, we take seriously actual or potential conflicts of interest, and do not accept funding or in-kind donations from commercial entities.

Transparency and openness

AIAAIC regularly shares information and data about what we are doing, how we are performing, and what we are planning

Potted history

Further information

Contact us to find out more about AIAAIC.