AIAAIC is an independent, non-partisan, grassroots public interest initiative that examines and makes the case for real AI, algorithmic, and automation transparency and openness. More

Let us know what we're doing right, where we can improve, and what we should be focusing on going forward 

Equipping researchers, civil society organisations and the general public to better understand and take action on AI and related technology harms and violations.

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Get to grips with incidents and controversies driven by and associated with AI and related technologies, and the implications of the technology and governance systems behind them for individuals, communities, society and the environment.

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AIAAIC believes that AI, algorithms, and automation, and the organisations and individuals involved in their design, development, and deployment, must be transparent and honest about their aims and how they go about pursuing them. More

Photo of 'Robot in Harajuku' by MaximalFocus

Transparency is cited as a core principle of ethical, responsible, and trustworthy AI. But it is often approached in a partial, piecemeal, and reactive manner.

Here's why real transparency and openness of AI, algorithmic and automation systems is needed, and what we believe it should look like.

AIAAIC content is available to use, copy, adapt, and redistribute under a CC BY-SA 4.0 licence. More

AIAAIC CC BY-SA 4.0 license