Bono Social de Electricidad electricity subsidy assessment
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The Bono Social de Electricidad (BSE) is a government programme that seeks to address energy poverty by providing discounts on energy bills to at-risk individuals and families in Spain.
To be eligible, an applicant has to be either a low earner, unemployed, temporarily unemployed (ERTE), or a business owner whose company has seen earnings drop significantly as a result of having to reduce working hours.
As a result of the complexity of the application process and the lack of information about how the system worked, the Spanish Ministry for Green Energy Transition created BOSCO, a software system that was intended to help decide who is entitled to the subsidy.
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Operator: Spanish Ministry for Green Energy Transition
Developer: Unknown
Country: Spain
Sector: Govt - energy
Purpose: Assess electricity subsidy eligibility
Issue: Accuracy/reliability; Accountability; Bias/discrimination - income; Copyright