HireVue recruitment facial analysis screening

HireVue is a Salt Lake City-based company that uses video, gaming, and proprietary algorithms to assess job seekers, whose written answers, behaviour, intonation, and speech are fed into algorithms that assign them certain traits and qualities. 

The company is seen as amongst the foremost in its sector, and its products are used by 700+ customers in the US, UK, and elsewhere, including General Mills, Kraft, and Unilever.

A number of HireVue's practices - notably its use of psychological inferences to determine people's ability and character based on facial data - have also proved controversial with academics, ethicists, regulators, and commentators.

Operator: Delta; General Electric; General Mills; Hilton; Kraft; Unilever
Developer: HireVue

Country: USA

Sector: Business/professional services

Purpose: Improve recruitment efficiency & effectiveness

Technology: Facial analysis; Facial recognition; Behavioural analysis; NLP/text analysis
Issue: Accuracy/reliability; Bias/discrimination - gender, disability; Privacy

Transparency: Governance; Black box; Marketing

Risks and harms 🛑

HireVue has attracted considerable controversy regarding its use of facial analysis and other technologies to assess job applicants' physcological states and predict employee performance.

'Unfair and deceptive' practices

Facial analysis

Algorithmic audit

Transparency 🙈

HireVue claims that it 'leads the industry with commitment to transparent and ethical use of AI in hiring' have been undermined by the opaque nature of its products and selectively misleading marketing. 

In March 2022, HireVue released what it billed as a 'first of its kind' explainability statement (pdf) intended to explain clearly how it uses AI in its game-based and interview assessments.

The Center for Democracy and Technology (CDC) said the statement 'sheds some useful light on how HireVue’s technology works, it is also incomplete in important respects', and 'suggests crucial deficiencies in the fairness and job-relatedness of HireVue’s approach to assessments.'

Legal, regulatory 👩🏼‍⚖️

Page info
Type: System
Published: January 2023
Last updated: May 2024