Real-World Masked Face (口罩人脸数据集) dataset

Real-World Masked Face Dataset is a dataset of photographs of over 5,000 masked faces of 525 people developed by researchers at Wuhan University. 

In an accompanying research paper, the researchers say the project is to help identify individuals wearing face masks as a means of controlling the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dataset databank 🔢

Developer: Wuhan University

Country: China

Sector: Health; Research/academia

Purpose: Improve facial recognition algorithms

Technology: Dataset; Facial recognition; Computer vision
Issue: Privacy; Ethics; Dual/multi-use; Surveillance

Transparency: Governance; Privacy

Risks and harms 🛑

Some commentators worried that the photos would be used for other purposes by the Chinese authorities, including the monitoring of Uyghurs in Xinjiang province.

The paper says the images are of 'public figures' gathered 'from massive internet resources.' The researchers refused to discuss how they chose the people added to the dataset, or whether or not this may impact their privacy.

Page info
Type: Data
Published: January 2023