ShotSpotter gunfire detection 

ShotSpotter is an acoustic gunfire detection system manufactured by US-based company SoundThinking (named ShotSpotter until April 2023). Consisting of microphones, sensors, algorithms, and human reviewers, the system alerts police to potential gunfire.

SoundThinking claims 97 percent accuracy and 0.5 percent false positive rates across its ShotSpotter customers, and has been used by multiple municipal authorities, police departments and school districts across the US since 1997. It has also been used as evidence in legal trials.

Operator: Chicago Police Department; Houston Police Department; New York Police Department
Developer: SoundThinking/ShotSpotter
Country: USA
Sector: Govt - police
Purpose: Detect gunfire
Technology: Gunshot detection system
Issue: Accuracy/reliability; Bias/discrimination - race, ethnicity, income, location; Effectiveness/value; Oversight/review; Robustness
Transparency: Governance; Black box; Marketing; Legal

Risks and harms 🛑

ShotSpotter has proved controversial, with concerns expressed about its accuracy, reliability and effectiveness, and the risks it is seen to pose to civil liberties, community relations, and privacy. 

SoundThinking has also been accused of misleading marketing and displaying poor transparency and inadequate accountability.



Questions have been asked about the degree to which human analysts assess and modify ShotSpotter alerts.


ShotSpotter has been accused of discrimination against minority communities. 

Transparency 🙈

Despite being mostly used for public safety, ShotSpotter has been criticised for poor transparency across multiple dimensions, leading to questions about its effectiveness and to accusations of misleading marketing and poor accountability.

Page info
Type: System
Published: May 2022
Last updated: June 2024