Paris Olympics AI scans fuel surveillance fears

Occurred: 2023-2024

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The use of AI to monitor the Paris 2024 Olympic Games raised concerns about surveillance and privacy.ย 

In 2023, the French government expanded the legal framework for AI surveillance, allowing for its use during the Olympics and potentially beyond. French authorities have since implemented AI systems to monitor crowds, detect weapons, and identify abandoned packages during the Games.

However, civil rights groups and other critics argue that this represents a form of "creeping surveillance" that could normalise intrusive monitoring practices, and voiced strong opposition to the measures, arguing they threaten fundamental rights such as privacy and freedom of expression and that the Olympics provide a pretext for expanding surveillance capabilities under the guise of security.

Experts expressed concerns that the technologies could lead to a chilling effect on public behaviour, as individuals modify their actions in response to surveillance. They also highlighted the possibility of misuse and lack of transparency regarding how data is collected and used, and the lack of accuracy associated with AI surveillance systems.ย 

System ๐Ÿค–

Operator: Paris Police Prefecture; SNCF
Developer: Videtics; Orange Business; ChapsVision; Wintics
Country: France
Sector: Media/entertainment/sports/arts; Transport
Purpose: Detect abandoned packages; Detect overcrowding
Technology: Computer vision; Machine learning; Object recognition
Issue: Accuracy/reliability; Human/civil rights; Privacy; Surveillance