GPT-4chan 'hate speech machine'

Released: June 2022

GPT-4chan, an AI system trained using 3.3 million threads from 4chan's notorious 'politically incorrect' /pol/ board, has been discovered to be posting sexist, racist, and anti-semitic slurs. 

Developed by AI researcher Yannic Kilcher, GPT-4chan was released back onto 4chan as multiple bots, which posted freely on the board over several days over 30,000 times. 

Operator: Yannic Kilcher; Reddit
Developer: Yannic Kilcher
Country: USA
Sector: Multiple
Purpose: Train language model
Technology: NLP/text analysis; Bot/intelligent agent
Issue: Safety; Ethics
Transparency: Governance; Marketing

Risks and harms 🛑

GPT-4chan has been accused of amplifying toxic content, harassment, and misinformation, and exacerbating harmful behaviours by mimicking the style and language of notoriously negative online communities. 

Transparency and openness 🙈

The researchers also argued that 4chan users were not informed they were interacting with a bot; Kilcher points out that users were informed of the fact in his video.

HuggingFace promptly restricted access to GPT-4chan.

Incidents and issues 🔥

Page info
Type: System
Published: October 2022
Last updated: May 2024