Google Health diabetic retinopathy diagnosis

Google Health's diabetic retinopathy diagnosis system uses artificial intelligence to analyse retinal images, with the aim of providing accurate and early detection of diabetic retinopathy, especially in regions with limited access to ophthalmologists. 

Released in November 2018, Google claimed the system was capable of identifying diabetic retinopathy with 90 percent accuracy in the testing laboratory.

Operator: Ministry of Public Health, Google Health
Developer: Alphabet/Google
Country: Thailand
Sector: Health
Purpose: Identify diabetic retinopathy
Technology: Deep learning
Issue: Accuracy/reliability

Risks and harms 🛑

Google Health's diabetic retinopathy diagnosis system has been seen to potentially inaccurate, leading to misdiagnosis, pose privacy concerns regarding sensitive medical data, and over-reliance on technology that might diminish the role of professional medical judgement. 

Incidents and issues 🔥

Google's diabetic retinopathy system proved significantly less effective than it had claimed. Developed by Google Health and tested at 11 clinics and hospitals in Thailand between November 2018 and August 2019, the system was said to perform at the equivalent level of a medical 'specialist'. 

However, Google discovered that over 20 percent of photographs taken of patients was of too low quality to be processed due to inadequate lighting or the unreliable photographic ability of the local clinic workers. 

Some nurses also discouraged patients to participate in the study because due to concerns about costs and other issues.

Page info
Type: System
Published: May 2021
Last updated: may r 2021