Children attend Roblox Condo nazi sex parties

Occurred: February 2022ย 

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Children gamers under 13 years-old were found to have been meeting in virtual 'condos' on gaming platform Roblox to talk about and try and have sex, prompting concerns about the platform's safety.

According to the BBC, scantily clad avatars inside the game were giving other users lap dances, while others hung out nude. One avatar was spotted wearing a Nazi uniform.ย 

A majority of the game's users are children, with even kids under the age of 13 technically allowed to play.ย 

Roblox responded by saying that offending condos are quickly shut down. But the BBC's report added to growing concerns about the safety of Roblox and other virtual reality-based metaverse platforms. Reports of sexual harassment have also plagued Meta.

Roblox later published a blog post setting out how it supports and protects its developer and user communities.

Operator: Roblox
Developer: Roblox
Country: UK; Global
Sector: Media/entertainment/sports/arts
Purpose: Manage system safety
Technology: Virtual reality; Safety management system
Issue: Safety; Bias/discrimination - race
Transparency: Governance; Black box

Page info
Type: Incident
Published: February 2022