Teenager attempts to extort Lauren Book using deepfake nude photos

Occurred: December 2021

Florida lawmaker Lauren Book was subjected to an extortion attempt using deepfake nude photos, prompting fears about the use of deepfakes and AI misinformation and disinformation in politics.

South Florida teenager Jeremy Kamperveen attempted to extort Book by demanding USD 5,000 in exchange for not releasing sexually explicit photographs of her showing 'female genitalia and the portrayal of a sexual act' to Fox News.

Stolen graphic images of Book and her husband had reputedy been circulating online since 2020. 

Kamperveen pleaded no contest to charges of extortion and cyberstalking in June 2022 and was later sentenced to one year and one day in prison, followed by 10 years of probation.


Deepfakes (a portmanteau of 'deep learning' and 'fake') are images, videos, or audio which are edited or generated using artificial intelligence tools, and which may depict real or non-existent people. They are a type of synthetic media.

Source: Wikipedia 🔗

January 2022. Book responded by introduced legislation to strengthen Florida’s revenge porn law by making it a felony to buy, sell or trade stolen sexually explicit images from someone’s phone or other digital devices. It also made disseminating altered or created sexually explicit images a felony.

June 2022. Florida's Sexually Related Offense law was signed by Governor Ron DeSantis, and took effect on October 1, 2022.

System 🤖

Operator: Jeremy Kampervee

Developer: Jeremy Kampervee

Country: USA

Sector: Politics

Purpose: Extortion

Technology: Deepfake - image; Machine learning 

Issue: Privacy; Ethics/values
Transparency: Governance; Privacy

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