Eucharist delivery drone sparks religious controversy

Occurred: April 2018

The use of a drone fitted with a monstrance to deliver the Eucharist to the altar at a church in Brazil caused religious outrage.

A priest at São Geraldo Magela church in Soracaba, Brazil, has used a drone fitted with a monstrance to deliver the Eucharist to the altar at São Geraldo Magela in in Soracaba, Brazil.

The congregation reputedly supported the novelty, but, once shared on Facebook, religious conservatives complained that the act was 'inappropriate, 'scandalous', and a 'profanation'. Priest John Zuhlsdorf labelled the stunt 'sacrilegious silliness', according to the Catholic Herald.

The incident highlighted questions about the appropriate use of AI in religion.

System 🤖

Operator: São Geraldo Magela church, Sorocaba
Developer: Unknown
Country: Brazil
Sector: Religion
Purpose: Deliver Eucharist
Technology: Drone
Issue: Ethics/values

Page info
Type: Incident
Published: March 2021